Born and raised in East Oakland you hear about someone eather getting jumped, hurt, or killed. You always hope that those people aren't the people you love. Your always worried when you hear the ambulence or the police sirense. You see people kikin it everyday with their friends at the block. Trying to keep there head up hoping that there not the next ones to go. Gangs almost every where you go, always have each others back. You got to make sure you dont step in the wrong block. Trying to get out of the struggle but some never make it and some do. You see immigrants triyng to get a job standing in the corners struggling just to make money to bring home to there families. Even though we got our problems we still got good things in our neighborhood. Theres many places to go to here in East Oakland. Many places to go eat or to just hang out with your patnaz. It's unique people have their own style of dressing, they got scraperz and scraper bikes. Many things that other places dont have.
Heii gurl!!!! I love what you wrote it's so true. It's hard when we loose our frineds and when we never know when it's going to be the last time we'r going to see them.
wat u said about the gangs is true soime make it some dont
hey laura gurl. I really liked what you had to say. I agree about the whole being unique thing. It's good to be unique cuz it's not fun when you're the same as everyone else.
Hey Laura!
I like what you wrote on your blog. Its true, a lot of people lose family members and friends, and sometimes those people are not even involved in gangs and things like that.
yup. that's Oakland for ya.
-ale =)
I agree with everything that you said specialy 'bout the gangs. I mean a lot of people have already died and everyone is just thinking on who's next. Even people who ain't involved inn gangs think 'bout when it'd gonna happen and how.
Valeria :]
It's true people are just keeping there heads up and watch there back to see if they are not the next ones to get killed. Some times you never know when you might get shot or even a loved one
Its true what u said about the gangs and its true u got to keep ur head up and watch ur back to see if u not the next one
yo i really like this one.... it's so true.. i like the part when you were talking about the blocks and how you had to be careful
Hey i like what you wrote and i agree with what you said about when you hear an ambulance or a police you hope that is not one of your loving ones and its hard to believe that one its hurt for a simple MISTAKE.
i feel you with everything you said. i lost one of my best guy friends 3 months ago; he was shot in the head. we really never know who is next. well mija tu ya saves k aser(dejalo atras)...cuidate!!\
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